This project was for Jacob Park and was on a 1946 Jenco vibraphone that was missing a lot of pieces and needed a lot of help. The project first came to Rocco Z Music in October of 2020. Here was our process for this instrument. First we took the instrument completely apart and stripped off all of the paint. Once the paint was removed, we lightly sanded the frame and began paint purple. It took about 3 coats and then we started building the new crossbar that was missing. Shortly after all the metal pieces were sandblasted, we started the process of powdercoating the metal. Once everything was repainted and clean, it was time to put the instrument back together. This instrument took a lot of hours to go back together -making sure bolts were clean, stronger, nothing stripped. The last thing to do was spend the time on polishing the bars with new bar cord. This project finished up the first week of Decemember and was worth the wait! Congrats to Jacob Park and thank you for choosing Rocco Z Music!