This project was for Johnsburg high school and took place in 2020. The project was to restore this 1970s Ludwig concert bass drum back to looking good as new. Here are the steps we took: first, took apart the drum completely and reshaped the drum. Before the drum could get its new veneer, we had to make sure the drum was completely round. Once the veneer was installed and the paint was stripped from the rims, it was staining time. We chose a Jacobean color stain for the drum and the inlay on the hoops with a natural stain on the outside. After staining, we gave it seven layers of clear coat on the drum and 4 on the rims. A few months after, the hardware came back from the chromers and it then was time for assembling. After many months of hard work and labor, the drum was finally completed in the summer of 2020. Thank you to Anna Zaino and Johnsburg high school for choosing Rocco Z Music to handle your bass drum restoration!